Baked Chicken Cordon Bleu

Taste great and simple to prepare!

"Im definitely going to make this Rachel, thanks its simple and quick and in my family all love chicken, cant wait to try, Thankyou."

- Rashida

• Panko • Olive Oil • Garlic Powder • Black Pepper • Chicken Breasts • Salt • Ham • Swiss Cheese • Dijon Mustard


Watch the video tutorial for full step-by-step instructions!


Stuffed with flavorful ham and melting Swiss cheese, baked chicken cordon bleu is surprisingly easy to make and has an elegant presentation.

In a small bowl, mix together panko, garlic powder, and ¼ teaspoon pepper. Add olive oil to panko mixture, mixing until bread crumbs are coated. Set aside.


Open butterflied chicken so it is lying flat. Season with salt and ¼ teaspoon pepper.


Arrange ham slices over one half of each chicken breast. Layer cheese slices on top of ham slices.


Fold chicken over the ham and cheese, tucking in any stray ham or cheese. Place chicken on baking pan, sides not touching.


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